[UC31] Grid and Time Series Visualization

Asset Management
Data Quality Improvement
Distributed Energy Resources (DERs)
Electric Vehicles (EV)
Grid Planning
Multipurpose Data Analytics
Non-Wires (NWA)
Revenue Protection
Situational Awareness and GridOps

Address electricity distribution challenges by synchronizing grid asset and time series data into a single map.

The Utility Problem

With the usual challenges of electricity distribution operations along with the introduction of distributed energy, building electrification and transportation electrification, utilities are required to change their organizations to address both old and new needs. These factors increase the complexity of managing the grid as well as the demand for electricity, which are both vital to address. In order to address these challenges, a data-driven approach is required, which is possible as the utility has access to GIS, connectivity, and time-series data, among many other data sources. However, this data only becomes valuable when it is analyzed and/or visualized in a productive manner. Visualization of the data can enable the utilities to gain significant value in asset management, vegetation management, EV infrastructure planning, plus many more important use cases.

Despite utilities having access to all the required data, there is still the obstacle of going from the raw data to valuable data visualization. Utility source data is spread out in disparate source systems, lacks synchronization for time-series and GIS/connectivity data, and is riddled with errors. All three of the complex problems must be addressed to produce a final product that provides value to the utility, but unfortunately, this process often takes an extended period of time, is costly and requires significant labour resources without the right tools.

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