Cogniware was founded in 2014 and is dedicated to developing AI-based advanced analytical solutions. Our AI R&D team has a wide range of hands-on experience with ready-made specialized AI-based solutions worldwide.
The mission of the ELECTRA solution is to streamline and improve the inspection process of electrical power transmission systems, enable early identification of potential problems, and thus prevent possible outages or more severe malfunctions.
ELECTRA is Cogniware’s software platform for energy companies that uses artificial intelligence (AI) to identify damage and anomalies in electrical power transmission systems and their components. Early, fast, and objective identification of damages and defects is a critical factor in ensuring the continuity of operation of the electrical transmission system and, last but not least, in minimizing increased maintenance costs by taking timely measures.
ELECTRA significantly streamlines and automates the process of identifying and categorizing damages through advanced analysis of video footage or photos captured by helicopters, drones, or field maintenance personnel. It automatically goes through the content of videos or pictures and uses artificial intelligence (AI) to identify individual objects. These are insulators, support points, conductors, conductor protection, feet of support points, etc. The identified objects are subsequently automatically assessed from the point of view of possible damage.
The artificial intelligence of the ELECTRA system is trained to assess the state of objects according to their damage and therefore provides a strictly objective view of the state of damage to elements of the electrical transmission system.
Digitization of the process of inspection of the condition of electrical transmission system elements using the ELECTRA system can save a significant amount of time and decrease costs by preventing more severe damage to the electrification transmission system.
Cogniware has its own international AI Research and Development (R&D) team, which can solve specific tasks according to your assignment. Thanks to the rich experience of our AI R&D team from projects worldwide, we can meet the particular requirements of our customers. It can be:
▪ visual detection of special events – for example, flashes or sparks at substations during storms or overloads
▪ detection of events in defined perimeters – it is possible to control the movement of external suppliers near the device,
▪ compliance with safety regulations and standards during repairs.